If you’re looking for a home remedy for deworming cats — this article is for you!
Whilst out on their many adventures, our sweet kitties can bring home with them a whole host of unwanted visitors. One of the most unpleasant guests being worms.
Worms are super common amongst cats, and they can also be passed to humans if not intercepted quickly.
While worms are not pleasant and can lead to further complications in your cat, they can be treated. Your cat should be given worming treatment regularly to help prevent an infection.
(The same way flea treatment becomes part of a pet parent’s calendar, worming is another vital medication. It’ll help to keep your kitty as happy and safe as possible!)
In this article, we discuss the signs and symptoms of worms in your cats, how to recognize different types of worm infections, and the best and most effective ways of treating worms.
Let’s do this.
Key Takeaways — Home Remedy for Deworming Cats
- Sources for worms include: your cat ingesting infected prey, grass or faeces, through the milk they drank from their mother, and fleas.
- The main symptoms of worm infections include: discomfort and itchiness of the anal area, diarrhoea and vomiting, faeces with a tarry look or texture, distension of the abdomen, weight loss, a decline in body and coat condition, and skin lesions and irritation.
- The signs of a more progressed infection include: dehydration and general weakness, lips and gums that have turned pale, going into shock, and lower blood pressure. And in certain cases, extensive worm infections can be fatal.
- Natural remedies such as carrots, chamomile, turmeric, pumpkin seeds, apple cider vinegar and coconut have been found to be effective by some.
- However, there is no professional evidence to suggest these are legitimate methods. So it is vital to consult your vet first for a correct diagnosis and professional medical advice.
Home Remedies to Deworm Your Cat
But first, what are parasites?
Worms are unpleasant parasites which tend to make a home inside your cat’s intestines and cause all sorts of havoc.
There are several types of worms which can affect your cat. They’re usually picked up from outside when your cat ingests infected prey, grass or faeces.
Worms can also be contracted through the milk of your cat’s mother that they drank as a kitten, as well as through fleas that were carriers of worm larvae.
There are several types of worms which can set up camp inside your poor kitty. And so it is important to be aware of the different species of critter to be on the lookout for:
- Tapeworm — Tapeworms tend to frequent the intestines of their hosts. You can identify this type of worm by its segmented body, which can easily break off and leave little rice-like pieces about the house. Like a trail of breadcrumbs to help you catch them quickly!
- Roundworm — Named for their round shape, these yellowish-brown worms often start in the gut, feeding off intestinal matter and can spread to different organs throughout the body. They cause discomfort and further complications if left untreated.
- Hookworms — These blood sucking parasites hook themselves onto the intestinal wall of cats with their teeth. These vicious critters are particularly dangerous when contracted by kittens.
- Whipworms — Common in dogs, whipworms have also become a common ailment of kitties. It is possible for whipworm infections to be asymptomatic, but common symptoms include: inflammation of the large bowel, bloody diarrhoea, weight loss, dehydration and anaemia.
Other types of worms to lookout for
- Stomach worms
- Lungworm
- Heartworms
- Bladder worms, and
- Liver flukes
These are all less common forms of worms that your cat can contract.
But just because they are rarer doesn’t mean they don’t happen. In fact, these types of worms can cause serious health deterioration in your cat and can even be fatal.
It is vital to consult your vet if you suspect your cat may be suffering from some kind of internal worms.
Many types of worms can also be passed to humans by accident. So if you suspect your cat may have worms, address the situation quickly and correctly to keep both your cat and your human loved ones safe.
Signs and Symptoms of Worms
While worms can be a completely asymptomatic condition, there are common symptoms to look out for.
The following symptoms may indicate your cat has been infected with worms:
- Visible discomfort and itchiness of the anal area
- Diarrhoea and vomiting – this may include blood and visible worms
- Faeces with a tarry look or texture
- Distension of the abdomen
- Weight loss
- A decline in body and coat condition. Their fur may appear dull and hair loss can occur
- Skin lesions and irritation
Signs and symptoms of a more progressed infection of worms
- Dehydration and general weakness
- Lips and gums that have turned pale – an indication of anaemia
- Going into shock
- Lower blood pressure
- In some cases, extensive worm infections can be fatal
Home Remedies For Deworming Cats
If you think your cat has contracted worms of any kind, the number one priority is to consult your vet.
This is to ensure a proper diagnosis and to rule out any other conditions or health issues. It’s also useful to assess the severity of the infection.
If you do wish to try home remedies for deworming cats, it’s also handy to run these ideas past your vet at the same time.
Here’s a few home remedies, which have been anecdotally found to be a fairly effective in preventing and treating worms naturally:
- 🥕 Carrots – When chopped coarsely, carrots can scratch the walls of the gut and work to dislodge any mucus and nasty critters that may be clinging on. Carrots are also a great source of vitamin A for your kitty.
- 🍃 Chamomile – Chamomile can be effective in the prevention and eradication of whipworms and roundworms. It is also known for its anti-parasitic properties and being very calming on the digestive tract.
- ✨ Turmeric — This brightly coloured spice contains properties that have been shown to help remove worms, as well as being found to help repair damage to the intestines.
- 🎃 Pumpkin seeds — The amino acid cucurbitacin is present in pumpkin seeds and can help make worms immobile. Meaning they can then be more easily expelled.
- 🍎 Apple cider vinegar — By raising intestinal alkaline levels in your cat, apple cider vinegar can help to make your cat’s insides uninhabitable for unwelcome visitors.
- 🥥 Coconut — You can use dried coconut — a known vermifuge — and coconut oil. A cat can make monolaurin from the lauric acid in coconut oil, which then helps with the eradication of parasites. This aids the expulsion of worms in your cat.
Do home remedies for deworming cats work?
While natural remedies have been claimed to aid in the prevention and treatment of worms, there is no real evidence that these are valid and safe ways to treat worms in cats.
Appropriate medical treatment prescribed by your vet is the best way to rid your cat of worms. So you can keep them happy and healthy.
Some products they could recommend include:
And also dewormer specific medication.
ALWAYS seek professional medical advice before trying any home remedies on your cat.
If you’re determined to treat your cat naturally, always ask your vet for advice on safe ways to do this. Especially so that these remedies will not hinder your cat’s health or recovery.
When it comes to worms, they are a pretty serious business. So rather than trying to treat your cat with a home remedy, get a proper diagnosis and professional medical advice from your vet.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve enjoyed this article, you’ll want to check out our other article on Natural Dewormers For Cats. And also Which Vaccines Do Cats Need?
Personally, we make sure to keep up to date with Yoda’s worming treatments, particularly as we travel. We don’t want him to be at risk from picking up unpleasant visitors as we explore the world together.
Worms are really common in cats and nothing to be ashamed of. It is just super important to take preventative measures to stave away any nasties that may upset your fur baby.
Catching things early is often the key to a quick and full recovery. The sooner you intercept the symptoms, the quicker your cat will be back on to causing cheeky mischief!
Let us know your experience with worming your cat. Especially if you’ve faced any particular challenges, or if your vet has advised you on any at-home treatments. We’d love to hear if you found any to be particularly effective.