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8 Tips to Keeping the House Clean for Cat Owners

Cats are one of the most common house pets we can see around. They are extremely affectionate, adorable and playful furry companions. It is quite easy to see why they are so popular and why you love them!

However, as it is with any other animal, raising a cat also comes with its own set of challenges, such as keeping your house clean at all times.

It will naturally take a few extra steps for you to adjust to the new hygiene needs once a cat enters your life but in the end, it will be worth it.

Let’s discover some easy tips and tricks on how to keep your home clean with cats around.

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How to Keep a Clean House with Cats! Guide by The Fluffy Kitty

1. Cleaning Starts with the Floors

A crucial part of cleaning and disinfecting of the house begins with the floors as it is the central hub for germs. To begin with, you have an initial advantage if you prefer hard floors rather than carpets because they are easier to clean. Sometimes dirt may get caught in the weaves of carpets and can be hard to remove.

However, it is understandable that you cannot change the flooring of your house solely for a pet. Luckily, there are ways around having a cat and having carpeted floors.

Vacuum Your Floors Frequently

The key to avoiding nasty stains and stenches is reaction time to messes and cleaning agents. Always keep a pet vacuum handy can help you clean them up faster. Therefore, you should consider getting a good pet carpet cleaner.

However, you should also consider how loud the devices are; trust us, you don’t want to wake up a sleeping cat!

Pet-Friendly Cleaning Agents

After vacuuming comes in the role of a good cleaning agent. You should prioritize getting natural cleaning agents so it does not harm your cat even if your cat ingests it mistakenly.

2. Keep the Counters Clean

What sets cats apart from many other pets is that they can practically squeeze through anywhere. You will find them in places such as lounging on the counters to sleeping on tables.

This is why you should wipe down and clean your counters more than usual if you have a pet cat.

It is a necessary step because cats shed and can leave their fur everywhere. If you do not clean the surfaces properly, the hair can get in your food and cause allergic reactions.

3. Brush Your Cat Routinely

As previously mentioned, cats shed their fur just like any other animal. Brushing their hair once every few days will help you control the deposit of fur around your home.

Besides, it is a fantastic way to bond and spend time with your kitty.

4. How to Deal with the Odor

One of the most difficult aspects to deal with when you have pets in the house is the odor. It is difficult to leave a good impression on your guests when your house smells like cat litter!

So, you should actively take steps to counter the odor instead of just cleaning it afterward. In a way, these two go hand in hand.

Invest in Enzyme-Based Odor Removers

These odor removers will help with the smell effectively because they break down the acids in your cat’s urine. So, they are not only just ‘covering up’ the smell, they are essentially destroying the smell!

Keep the Windows Open

We often try to cover up the cat odor in our homes with air fresheners. But the mistake we make is keeping the windows closed.

If you can establish a habit of keeping the windows open and airing your house out, you can significantly improve the quality of the odor in your home. At the same time, you are also saving your money on air-spray, so it’s a win-win situation!

Changing the Litter

You should clean the litter in your cat’s litter box entirely on a regular basis. This will prevent and lingering smells from wafting around your house and is also more hygienic.

5. Bathe Your Cat Regularly

While fighting odors is important, there are some smells that will not go away unless you clean them. Sometimes, the source of the smell is from your cat’s body itself.

So, bathing your cat regularly or at least wiping their paws after a stroll outside can help keep your house clean and is also good for their own hygiene.

However, keep in mind that bathing them too often can lead to health hazards such as rashes and other skin issues.

6. Separate Your Cat’s Belongings

One easy thing to do in order to keep your home clean is to separate your cat’s belongings from the human items. This way, you can contain their mess.

For example, having an allotted bed for them will mean that they will be sleeping in one specific place regularly. The shedding or other messes they make will be controlled and stay in that place only. Now, all you would have to do is wash your cat’s bed instead of cleaning the whole house.

7. Clean Their Toys

Cats often have some staple toys they enjoy playing with. You should wash these toys frequently as they can both, start to stink and become full of bacteria. The same goes for cat beds, blankets, and any other fabrics that could trap hair and dust.

How to Keep Your Home Clean with Cats | Fluffy Kitty

8. Wash Their Collars!

Your cat’s collar is an aspect you might easily overlook. But if you think about it, the collar collects a lot of dead skin, hair and anything else your cat might come across. So, it is quite important to thoroughly clean the collar once in a while because your cat’s smell can very well transfer to it.

Besides, it is also the one ornament which your cat is constantly in contact with so it is also a safety measure for your furry friend!

Final Thoughts: How to Keep Your Home Clean with Cats

Even though cats are so popular among house pets – they are adorable and they’re fantastic to play or cuddle with. But frankly, cats can be a handful!

By following the prescribed tips, you too can ensure a cleaner house and impress your guests – let them wonder how you managed to keep your home clean while there’s a pet cat in it!  

How to Keep a Clean House with Cats! Guide by The Fluffy Kitty

Shawn is a content writer at FeedFond. He’s a doting father not only to his two children but also to his two Golden Retrievers. Check out more of his articles at